Thursday, January 19, 2012

A New Approach

So today in class we took a new approach to learning and rather than just sitting and discussing the Tales that we've been reading this past week, we were asked to act them out. I was a little hesitant at first because I am a very introverted person, but once I got into my group and started talking to my group members we all seemed to be in the same boat and connected pretty well. As each group went up and presented itself, the class laughed as they viewed the groups own personal take on the Tale they were assigned. I really enjoyed reading these in the book but when we were asked to physically act them out in front of our peers it took on a whole new dynamic. It allowed me to sit back and laugh aloud and actually put faces to the character as they interacted among one another, allowing me to visualize the story in a way I would have never by just simply reading. I learn best visually and by beings hands on (one reason I'm a science major), so taking that method of learning and incorporating it into a literature class, which in my previous experiences is not often, was great. Also, like Dr. Hobby said it was a great way of getting to know my fellow classmates. This is my first semester not having anyone within my same major in any of my classes so I'm very out of my element in this course, so his emphasis on getting to know one another is comforting.

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